Food Friday: Chestnuts

December 12, 2008

Growing up in NY, many of my favorite winter childhood memories include walking through the city with my parents death grip in one hand and bag of hot chestnuts in the other.  I know that the song says you are supposed to roast them on an open fire, but I will take them from an open street cart any day.  This weekend D and I are heading to NY to see some family, and I can not wait to get my hands on a bag.  If you have never made them at home; it is suprisingly simple.  There is one one ingreadient and five steps.  Enjoy. 


1) Take a cutting board and a knife and make a cut in the round side of every chestnut.  If you are afraid og cutting yourself, use a serrated knife witha  short blade.

2) Scatter the chestnuts on a baking dish with the flat side down.  Drizzle drops of water over the chestnuts with your fingers. 

3) Put the baking dish with the chestnuts in the oven at about 425 degrees.  Place the baking dish as close to the heat source as possible. 

4) After roasting the chestnuts for 10 min on one side turn them over. 

5) After 20 minutes in the oven they are ready to be eaten.  Serve them hot.  When you get them right, peeling them is very easy.

5 Responses to “Food Friday: Chestnuts”

  1. Janet Says:

    Hmmmm. I think that when I threw some into the fire in a popcorn popper basket and kind of burned them . . . that wasn’t a good test. I’ve sworn off them ever since. That and vanilla vodka and diet Coke. p.s. The best cookies were the slice and bake from TollHouse.

  2. Sara Says:

    Hello, fellow Sara. I like your blog.

    I also miss the days of roasting chestnuts with my Dad when I was little.

    ..and now after reading this, I’m craving them like crazy. Thanks.

  3. Matt Says:

    You shouldnt eat nuts from a street cart.

    I hear that is where disease lives.

  4. Erin Says:

    I just love how east coast traditions are so different! I thought no one really ate chestnuts and that ol’ Nat just chose to sing about some random nut.

    Must try!

  5. f.B Says:

    i’ve never had a roasted chestnut. i’m FROM the east coast and thought Nat was just crazy about some nut. i should’ve known someone that genius wouldn’t have staked his career on a nut not worth singing about

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